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8/21/2024 Op-Ed: Supporting food pantries will protect students from hunger
By Rep. Julie A. Casimiro

As our students begin to head back to school, it is imperative that we address one of their biggest obstacles to successfully learning during the school year – hunger.

Over the past few school years, I have served as a substitute teacher at North Kingstown High School and I have personally witnessed the devastating effects that hunger can have on our students.   I have seen how it affects their energy level, their motivation, their focus and their ability to learn in a way that will benefit them throughout their entire lives.  Hunger is still a very serious and pervasive issue in our schools and we must do something about it.

One way we can ensure that our students are able to go to school without grumbling bellies and foggy minds is to support your local food pantry.  Every time we walk into the grocery store, we are all aware of the rising costs of food.  Only a few short years ago $100 could fill up your cart but now, that same $100 will maybe only fill up half of your shopping cart or less.  These food prices are crippling to so many of our families with children who are struggling to provide the basic necessities for daily life.

That’s where our food pantries come in, but they too are struggling with not only increasing food costs, but also an alarming increase in service demand.  Food pantries are a lifeline to so many stressed families and as they selflessly help our families in need, our food pantries need our help too in order to continue feeding our students who cannot afford the food that they desperately need.

As an advisory board member of the North Kingstown Food Pantry, I have seen the need for the pantry’s services grow significantly over the past few years and with that fact, the support needed to continue to serve the residents and families who rely upon the pantry has also increased. 

Whether it’s food or monetary donations, or simply volunteering one’s time, every little bit helps to support our residents, families and students who struggling to get through their day properly fed. 

The change in a student’s eyes when they are no longer hungry at school is undeniable and every metric clearly shows that well-fed students do the best in school.  If you care about our students and their futures, please consider supporting your local food pantry and give our kids a shot at growing up into healthy and successful adults.

Rep. Julie A. Casimiro, a Democrat, represents District 31 in North Kingstown and Exeter.

For more information, contact:
Andrew Caruolo, Publicist
State House Room 20
Providence, RI 02903