Sen. Raptakis calls for all Coventry fire districts to come together; discuss possibility of district merger
STATE HOUSE – Sen. Leonidas P. Raptakis (D-Dist. 33, Coventry, East Greenwich, West Greenwich) is calling on all four of Coventry’s fire districts to begin the process of exploring the possibility of merging the four fire districts in Coventry.
The four fire districts in Coventry are Coventry Fire District (Anthony), Central Coventry Fire District, Hopkins Hill Fire District and Western Coventry Fire District.
“It’s time for all four fire district boards to come together in a transparent way and begin the discussion of the possibility of merging districts. The issue here is considering a district merger, not a municipal merger, in order to hopefully bring better and more equitable service to the residents of the fire districts,” said Senator Raptakis.
“The time has come to fix this antiquated system with four separate fire districts and make it one district. The residents of Coventry need one fire district, one fire chief and one tax rate and now is the time to begin the process of making this important and necessary change,” said Frank M. Brown, Chief of the Hopkins Hill and Central Coventry Fire Districts.
Senator Raptakis notes the recent Central Coventry Fire District election results which saw residents of the district rejecting a proposed 15.65% supplemental tax which would have helped the district avoid bankruptcy. Currently, Central Fire District is projected to run out of money by the end of June.
He also points out that some districts are receiving more mutual aid than they are reciprocating to other districts, putting a financial burden on other districts and residents.
“Every year, another significant challenge arises for one of our fire districts and it is jeopardizing the public safety of Coventry residents. The residents of our town deserve the peace of mind that if an emergency should occur that help is on the way. I believe that in order to best serve the interests of the residents, we should begin the conversation of possibly exploring a district merger of all four fire districts,” concluded Senator Raptakis.
For more information, contact: Andrew Caruolo, Publicist State House Room 20 Providence, RI 02903 (401)222-6124