House approves Rep. Craven’s bill to spur home production
Bills are part of Speaker Shekarchi’s 2024 legislative package addressing the housing crisis in Rhode Island
STATE HOUSE – The House of Representatives today approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Robert E. Craven, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, that would help spur more home construction within the state. The bill is part of House Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi’s (D-Dist. 23, Warwick) 15-bill package of legislation to address Rhode Island’s housing crisis.
“Too often, crucial and much-needed housing development has been stymied in our communities for various reasons, including excessive, and sometimes vague, red tape and development review procedures. This bill will prevent unnecessary delays and roadblocks at the local level while emphasizing the necessity to build more housing for our residents,” said Representative Craven (D-Dist. 32, North Kingstown).
The bill (2024-H 7951A) would clarify the circumstances under which a municipality can limit accepting and hearing development applications and limit building permits related to the development of housing, and specifies the timeframes in which those limitations can be in place.
The legislation states that limitations applied to residential building permits must be vital to protecting public health and welfare and it must be demonstrated that there is no other means available to protect public health and welfare given the need for additional housing units in the community.
The legislation now heads to the Senate for consideration.
For more information, contact: Andrew Caruolo, Publicist State House Room 20 Providence, RI 02903 (401)222-6124