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5/3/2019 Sen. Morgan asks local towns to declare themselves ‘Second Amendment Sanctuaries’
STATE HOUSE – Sen. Elaine J. Morgan is asking the communities in her district to adopt resolutions declaring themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuary Towns,” as the Burrillville Town Council did last week.

Senator Morgan (R-Dist. 34, Hopkinton, Charlestown, Exeter, Richmond, West Greenwich) sent a letter to the town councils and police chiefs in the five towns she represents urging them to make the declaration.

Last week, the Burrillville Town Council adopted a resolution stating that the town will support “the Burrillville police department’s [right] to exercise sound discretion when enforcing laws impacting the rights of citizens under the Second Amendment.” The Glocester Town Council is slated to discuss a similar proposal May 16.

“I swore an oath when taking office to protect and uphold our Constitution from any infringements. It is with substantial consideration that I bring forth this matter of discussion based on stabilizing our jurisdictions’ ability to uphold and defend our 2nd amendment rights,” Senator Morgan wrote in the letter. “An abundance of states, counties, cities, and towns across the United States have declared themselves “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” which means any gun-control laws that infringe upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms will not be enforced.”

She continued, “Between 2014 and 2017, Rhode Island maintained a position in the top five LEAST likely states to be injured by a firearm, death resulting. Considering this movement, I humbly ask the towns of Charlestown, Richmond, Hopkinton, West Greenwich and Exeter for the support of our local Police Departments and Town Council members in proposing a similar resolution as that of Burrillville.  It is imperative that these five historic towns as well as our local Police Departments and Town Council members work together in preserving and maintaining our freedom and constitutional rights. We must enforce the legislation currently on the books.”

For more information, contact:
Legislative Press Bureau,
State House Room 20
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 222-2457