Senator Maryellen Goodwin
Senate Majority Whip
Ex-Officio Member of all Senate Committees
Member, Permanent Joint Committee on State Lottery
Maryellen Goodwin (D-Dist. 1, Providence) was born
on September 27, 1964 and is employed by the City of Providence. A graduate of
St. Patrick High School and Rhode Island college, she was first elected to the
Senate in 1986.
She has served on the Water Resources Board;
Internship Commission; Permanent Advisory Commission on Women; R.I. Veterans
Home Commission; Board of Directors, Smith Hill Center; Smith Hill Drug and
Alcohol Abuse Commission; Providence 12th Ward Democratic Committee; Providence
Democratic City Committee (1984-86); and was a delegate of the Rhode Island
Constitutional Convention (1986).
Senator Goodwin can be reached at (401) 276-5507.