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Sen. Britto sworn in as General Assembly convenes
Senators to submit package of transportation bills
Assembly passes Chairwoman Alzate and Sen. Britto’s bill reducing driving privilege card fees
Governor signs into law Chairwoman Alzate and Sen. Britto’s legislation reducing driving privilege card fees
Senate approves Sen. Britto’s bill to prevent repeated digging up of roadways
Assembly passes Whip Kazarian and Sen. Britto’s legislation banning large commercial trucks from Pleasant Street
General Assembly approves legislation to prevent repeated digging up of roadways
East Bay legislators request I-195 West bridge updates
Whip Lawson, East Bay legislators introduce legislation requiring regular, comprehensive Washington Bridge updates
East Providence senators issue statement on Washington Bridge replacement
Senate approves Britto legislation to improve prescription drug affordability
Assembly approves Rep. DeSimone and Sen. Britto’s electronic tax bill legislation
General Assembly OKs bill to establish regulatory framework for non-emergency medical transportation
Rep. DeSimone and Sen. Britto’s electronic tax bill legislation signed into law
Bill to establish regulatory framework for non-emergency medical transportation signed into law
Governor signs Treasury bill to protect Rhode Islanders with unclaimed property from unfair contracts
New laws will simplify state payments to East Providence
Infrastructure Bank and Dept. of Housing Award $2.8 Million for Infrastructure Improvements to Five Affordable Housing Projects
Sen. Britto named chairman of Senate Committee on Commerce