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1/29/2025RIBLIA Caucus holds first meeting; welcomes new members and elects new chairs
10/3/2024Economic Progress Institute honors RIBLIA Caucus as Legislative Champions for Progress
8/20/2024Rhode Island Black, Latino, Indigenous, Asian-American and Pacific Islander Caucus unveils 2023-2024 Legislative Report
7/15/2024Media Advisory: 214th Colombian Independence Day celebration to be held on July 16
6/18/2024Rep. Dawson and Sen. Acosta’s mail ballot application bill signed into law
6/6/2024Sens. Acosta and Mack statement on LEOBOR vote
6/6/2024General Assembly passes Rep. Dawson and Sen. Acosta’s mail ballot application bill
6/4/2024Senate passes Acosta’s mail ballot application bill
5/21/2024Senate passes Acosta’s bill that extends teacher certifications
5/9/2024MEDIA ADVISORY: RIBLIA Caucus to hold news conference today to highlight floor amendment to LEOBOR reform bill
5/9/2024RIBLIA Caucus announces LEOBOR reform bill in House falls short
4/30/2024Senate passes Acosta’s worker protection bills
4/11/2024Senate passes Acosta’s bill to redefine felonies, misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors
3/26/2024RIBLIA Caucus announces 2024 policy agenda
3/26/2024RIBLIA Caucus announces LEOBOR reform bill priorities
3/25/2024MEDIA ADVISORY: RIBLIA Caucus to hold press conference tomorrow to announce 2024 policy agenda; also, conditions for support on LEOBOR reform bill
1/31/2024Sen. Acosta, Rep. Sanchez reintroduce bill providing free school meals
1/23/2024Rhode Island Launches SNAP Eat Well, Be Well Pilot Rewards Program
11/3/2023Rhode Island Black, Latino, Indigenous, Asian-American and Pacific Islander Caucus unveils 2022-2023 Legislative Report
9/29/2023Rhode Island Black, Latino, Indigenous, Asian-American and Pacific Islander Caucus will explore potential legislation to better prevent redlining
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