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D - District 36
Charlestown, Sout​h​​ Kingstown, New Shoreham, W​ester​​ly​​
(401) 480-8237​​​​
State House, Room B-07A
Providence, RI 02903

Representative Tina Spears

Member, House Environment and Natural Resources Committee

Member, House Municipal Government and Housing Committee
Member, House Innovation, Internet and Technology Committee

Rep. Tina Spears was elected Nov. 8, 2022 to represent District 36 in Charlestown, South Kingstown, Westerly and New Shoreham. She is a member of the House Environment and Natural Resources Committee, the House Municipal Government and Housing Committee, and the House Innovation, Internet and Technology Committee.​

In her first year in the General Assembly, Representative Spears advocated for legislation to make housing more affordable, support public schools and protect the environment. Many of her efforts to improve health care services were included in the state budget, including more than doubling the Medicaid reimbursement rate for ambulance services.

Representative Spears is the Executive Director of the Community Provider Network of Rhode Island, which represents providers who support people with disabilities. She has long been an ardent advocate for families of children with disabilities, having learned from her own experience as the parent of a child with significant health challenges. Prior to her election, she was a frequent presence at the State House, testifying in support of programs that help Rhode Islanders, such as the Temporary Caregiver Insurance program that was enacted in 2013 to provide paid leave for those who must leave work to provide care for an ill family member.

A resident of Charlestown for almost 30 years, she met her husband Forrest Cochise Spears Jr. when they were both students in Chariho Tech's agriculture program. She was the first in her family to go to college, earning both a bachelor's and master's degree in public administration from the University of Rhode Island. She and her husband are the parents of two sons. ​