| | “I was able to learn an immense amount about affordable housing in Providence while working with a passionate and inspiring group of individuals who I have been lucky to call my teammates... I learned something new at each and every meeting, and the valuable information that I gained will surely remain with me for years to come. At every turn, the RISGIP stimulated my intellectual and personal growth as well as furthered my development as a leader, and I am beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this prestigious program. Our team project was an amazing experience, and I learned quite a lot along the way as well! Especially given the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic causing the internship to be remote, the team project was the perfect way to drive collaboration and learning among internship participants. I found the structure to be extremely effective, as it brought together individuals from different schools that would not have worked together otherwise and inspired connections as well as a diversity of perspective... In summation, the RISGIP has left an indelible mark upon me. When I interviewed for the program the last week of August, I had no idea of the impact it would have upon me, and it truly changed my worldview and perspectives. In fact, it inspired learning about the most pressing issues in the city and state, collaboration in creating change, and new connections with some marvelous individuals. The program additionally furthered my passion for helping others and my interest in government service (specifically elected office) as a means of doing so. I am endlessly thankful for being given the chance to participate in the RISGIP, and I would recommend it to any other student who is presented with the opportunity..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | Providence College | |
| | “Government has played an important role in my life because I believe that being a voice for a community is an important role. Speaking up for the underserved or underrepresented populations as well as solving societal issues is what matters most and inspired me to pursue this field. Upon entry to this internship, my goal was to gain knowledge and practical experience in government through policy and human interaction within. Additionally, I wanted to network and develop connections with influential leaders in this field. It is through researching current issues, developing a policy analysis and proposal of effective solutions, and working on a team that I was able to do this... In this internship, I learned many things about myself. I learned that I enjoy working with and helping people, tackling current issues and coming up with solutions for beneficial change, and working as a team. I have developed and improved many skills that will be beneficial to me upon entry into my field including effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving strategies, professionalism, and organization. This internship has allowed my passion for government and policy to grow even stronger and my determination to create change has become intensified...” | RISGIP Remote Internship | Salve Regina University | |
| | "I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful internship program at RISGIP. I also want to thank you for your guidance and supervision throughout this internship that made this program at ease through this very difficult time... You cared about our work, gave us feedback so that we could improve on ourselves, and most importantly you believed in our work and pushed us to have faith in ourselves to do the very best...This internship taught me very valuable skills I could use in my future and for the workforce. For one, it provided me with the opportunity to work efficiently with others that I have never met before, not to mention it created friendships. Having this skill for the future is essential. You cannot pick and choose who to work with all the time. If you are asked to do something without knowing each other, you better learn quickly and that is exactly what I can value from this internship. The collaboration between my group was like none other... We bonded extremely well, creating friendships that will last. Our meetings together were efficient, yet full of laughs and conversations that would bring smiles to each other. The RISGIP allowed me to enhance my knowledge of researching, writing, collaboration and interviewing /presentation skills. As intern policy makers, we had to pick a topic of our groups choice and heavily research about that topic, hoping to create an efficient policy to create a solution for that issue... Once again, thank you for a terrific ten weeks, this is something I will always cherish in developing me into a more professional individual..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | URI | |
| | "The Coronavirus forced many establishments from all aspects of life to adapt... The internships for the State of RI were no exception. From the months of September to November the internships were modified and were adapted to be completely online. I had the privilege of being a part of this unique period of time... Every individual did their part and were respectful of one another. We worked well as a group. Although COVID-19 forced the internship to be completely online, I gained valuable experience in working with others and proposing sound and thorough policies... I was able to gain more experience in working with others in a professional role. Moreover I was able to gain insight into how Rhode Island lawmakers create solutions to a myriad of issues. The internship benefited me greatly and I would recommend it to anyone interested..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | RI College | |
| | "Even though this internship was remote, I felt that I got to know my group members and even my supervisor pretty well. Throughout the entire semester, we kept asking ourselves, “How can we help?” We wanted to create a proposal that was realistic and achievable. Not only did I build on my research skills, but I also got more comfortable with communicating online. No one is entirely sure how long the COVID-19 pandemic will last, so I’m thankful I know how to use certain platforms, like Zoom and WebEx, to help me in my future career. I learned a lot from each of my group members, who I now can call my friends, they taught me how to think outside the box, and think on my feet. We worked very hard as a team and personally, I’m quite proud of our proposal...Overall, I really enjoyed this experience and would hope that more people try this program. 10/10 would recommend to all students!" | RISGIP Remote Internship | URI | |
| | "This internship was not only educationally fulfilling but gave a great look into legislative drafting of a bill as well as significant policy analysis... This internship was not only beneficial for the work experience and the process of doing legal research and analysis in a professional setting, but the feedback that was given. The feedback during and at the end of the internship was significantly helpful. It helped us gain an aspect of underlining principles needed to work for a legal aspect for the government..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | RWU Law School | |
| | "In March of 2020, my 25+ yr career in the restaurant industry came to an end due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A few months later, I found myself back in college, pursuing a brand-new career in IT. In the fall of 2020, I was accepted into the RI State Government Internship Program as part of the IT Team. I was nervous to be a part of an IT team because I had only had a few basic classes under my belt and feared I would not have much to offer. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. In our very first meeting with our supervisor quickly put to rest any hesitation I was feeling with his enthusiasm of how distinctly different each member of the team was... It was hard work! The amount of time we put into research and development, along with the hours we spent discussing our options and narrowing down our ideas, paid off tenfold. I could not have asked to be part of a better team. We worked so well together! We discussed, we debated, we disagreed, we listened, we compromised, and in the end, we designed an excellent product based on extensive research. While I feel every student would benefit from being part of this internship program, I want to direct my attention to the “older” students. This internship program is for you! I know that going to college after so many years away from the academic world can be daunting. I had no idea how much life has taught me and how truly relevant I still am, until I participated in this program. I found a confidence in myself that I had forgotten. I am forever grateful and for the first time in a long time, I am excited about my future..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | CCRI | |
| | "This program has been a great learning experience by teaching me how to work with others, research, and specifying research into policy options. It was great to work with others from different colleges...Working with like-minded people is always a good time and everyone worked hard independently as well as a team. Moreover, I was able to practice my research skills by reading more about funding and budgets...One great skill I learned was how to take a broad idea and specify it after finding a lot of research. Lastly, practicing my writing skills and coming up with policy options was really interesting. My ideas for funding changed over time and I learned how to figure out which options are most feasible in solving the problem statement. Overall, this program was amazing and I recommend any person interested in the government to apply to the program..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | Providence College | |
| | "The RISGIP was an incredibly educational experience, and I have received a significant amount of professional knowledge. I was provided with the opportunity to present on an important topic in not only RI, but across the country. This internship helped me spread my knowledge, experience and interest in the RI State Government.... My team honestly worked extremely well together, each of us did what was needed, and we always had a lot of fun working with each other. I am tremendously grateful for this possibility that I received and although this internship was remote, I still gained numerous amounts of confidence, knowledge and professionalism in the workplace..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | RWU | |
| | "Due to COVID-19, the internship was entirely online. It was difficult, as a major component of completing an internship is networking, meeting others face to face, visiting the workplace, observing how they are managed, and more. Obviously, I wished my internship could have been completed in person, but despite that, I feel like I had such a successful time... Our group got along exceptionally well, and we almost always were in consensus about what we wanted to include in the paper. Rather than pick one specific person to act as the team leader, we designated different leaders each week, and took our own initiatives to complete tasks... applications like Google Drive, Zoom, Webex made it significantly easier for us to communicate during the week... Overall, my internship within the RI General Assembly was very successful and I had such an enriching experience. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and I would absolutely recommend it to someone interested in legislation at the state level..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | Salve Regina University | |
| | "When I applied to the RI State Government Internship Program, I was unsure what to expect in remote times. By the second or third week, I realized I could not have been happier with the internship structure. There was a sense of community among my teammates, which was not expected. Everyone was always enthusiastic during meetings and ready to set up extra times when needed. My team was composed of four other diligent members, who worked not just to complete the required load, but also to get to know one another. We cracked jokes at the beginning of Zoom calls, discussed our weeks, and made an effort to put ourselves out there. It was also wonderful to see other interns' faces during midway events, such as the State House Tour. Nearly everyone had their camera on at all times, which is rare in the remote world, and despite the uncertainly in technology, almost everything ran smoothly. While there is no replacement for in-person experiences, the past few months have been delightful. I learned much about RI policy process...but I have also become a better team player. As team leader, I listened to the thoughts of those around me to see how we could advance our project... The skills I learned are sure to apply to any work experience moving forward, and I am confident this internship has made me a more understanding person. Many thanks to the coordinators and supervisors of RISGIP for fostering such a great environment, even in these uncertain and remote times. I appreciate it and look forward to staying in contact with the people I have met during this time..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | Dartmouth College | |
| | "I think one of the most important things this internship taught me is how to effectively navigate the digital workspace. This has been a learning curve for all of us as we adjust to life in the COVID era, and I was no stranger to Zoom meetings and shared Google documents when the internship began. However, I had struggled somewhat with productivity since the transition to an all-digital environment, and this internship showed me that important and high-quality work can still be done even with these restrictions. I learned that the most important things for maintaining an efficient digital workspace are organization and communication...I will always be grateful for any opportunity I get to meet, learn from, and collaborate with strong, intelligent, passionate women, and for that reason I am deeply grateful for this internship..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | Brown University | |
| | "I learned a lot from this internship, mainly because this was the first internship that was remote, the adversities faced were different...the team I was placed in was incredible. From our communication, to making time in our busy schedules to meet virtually, to working together to putting the final touches together. Everyone had a specialty that was theirs and they each incorporated it in our project, from economics and data analysis, to graphic designing and coding. The teamwork was impeccable and if I was to ever do this again, I’d choose my team all over again..." | RISGIP Remote Internship | JWU | |
| | I would suggest this internship to others because of all the professional skills I’ve learned. I’ve gained more organization, time management and team work skills. All of these things will help me get ahead in my career….I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do after this internship and with my career, but after spending a few months here, I know exactly where I want to go in my career. | Providence Emergency Management Agency and Homeland Security | Johnson and Wales University | |
| | I was able to get a sense of what my supervisor does as a Communications Coordinator here, but also gain a sense of what this non-profit does in general for the community…. The placement also provided me with professional skills such as how to interact with a multitude of employees from different fields and interests and how to carry myself in meetings with supervisors…. | Community Action Partnership of Providence | Providence College | |
| | My placement supervisor gave me tasks to complete that related to my college work along with areas she knew I needed to know in order to fulfill a future career in business. It helped me achieve useful professional skills, and it has helped me become more successful and proficient in my college major. | Rhode Island Association of Community Action Agencies | Community College of Rhode Island | |
| | This placement with the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office has helped me tremendously by exposing me to the process of becoming a lawyer, the character required in a lawyer, and the legal support system in the state. | Bar Administrator, Office of the Supreme Court Clerk | Roger Williams Law School | Spring 2017 |
| | This internship with the Department of Agriculture has prepared me to work in an office environment and be able to multi-task. Working daily with the department’s computer system has strengthened my computer experience from when I started… I would suggest this internship to anyone studying accounting or bookkeeping. | Department of Agriculture | Rhode Island College | Spring 2017 |
| | I was initially interested in this internship because I wanted to explore government and policy as a potential career path. I think the thing I took away was that I am even more interested in government and policy. This internship did reaffirm my desire to go to law school and remain active in politics and policy. | Rhode Island House of Representatives | Brown University | Spring 2017 |
| | My placement experience contributed to my career development by that it helped me know the judicial procedures and how the district court handles cases and how different judges have different point of views. I want to be a lawyer in the future, and attending court really helped me decide if I really like the field or not. I learned that being a lawyer is not an easy job and requires lots of attention to detail. | The 6th District Court – Clerks Office | Rhode Island College | Spring 2017 |
| | I am a Political Science and Public Administration major with a minor in Economics who via this opportunity was able to track legislation. I was able to see the bill that bore the markings of my hard work and persistence be proposed and referred to committee…This program has allowed me to gain experience in my various fields of study through first hand encounters with decision makers, as I saw through numerous sessions of Senate and Committee hearings. | Rhode Island Senate | Rhode Island College | Spring 2017 |
| | I was able to help in different departments and develop different skills that’ll help me in the career path of Human Resources… The staff I worked with were so helpful and allowed me to work alongside them and be part of the team. | Lifespan Corporation | University of Rhode Island | Spring 2017 |
| | This is highly recommended! Thank you, the last two summers have been great. I really appreciate all of your help. | Office of the Attorney General | Syracuse University College of Law | |
| | My placement experience contributed a great deal to my career development. I would very much recommend this placement to another student/intern. I have learned so much and the people are just wonderful. They will go out of their way to make sure that I understand what I am doing, and are willing to let me go even beyond what an intern can do. Thank you once again for giving me this opportunity! | Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals | University of Rhode Island | |
| | This experience gave me the opportunity to look at businesses from another perspective. In school, I was taught pure theory. I was taught to focus on shareholder's wants and customer's needs. However, the internship took me to another level of a business such as the compliance with laws and regulations. I was exposed to real business problems. This placement enhanced my business skills and I learned new areas in my field. | Department of Administration | Bryant University | |