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Press Releases
1/13/2025Rep. Ackerman reelected Deputy Whip 
9/20/2024Legorreta Cancer Center honors Rep. Ackerman and Sen. Zurier 
8/7/2024Governor signs Deputy Whip Ackerman and Sen. Bissaillon’s consumer protection legislation for solar industry 
6/25/2024New law will aid RI cancer researchers, patients 
6/13/2024Assembly passes bill to aid RI cancer researchers, patients 
6/11/2024Rep. Ackerman and Sen. Bissaillon’s consumer protection legislation for solar industry signed into law 
6/4/2024Assembly approves consumer protection bill for solar industry 
5/14/2024House approves Deputy Whip Ackerman’s consumer protection bill for solar industry 
5/3/2024Deputy Whip Ackerman commemorates Holocaust Remembrance Day 
5/2/2024Deputy Whip Ackerman joins ACS CAN to promote bill to help cancer patients 
4/30/2024Deputy Whip Ackerman introduces consumer protection bill for solar industry 
4/29/2024Ackerman bill to give seniors a break on taxes heard in committee 
3/8/2024House passes Ackerman bill to aid RI cancer researchers, patients 
2/12/2024Whip Ackerman bill would aid RI cancer researchers, patients 
10/24/2023Lead safety bills celebrated 
10/13/2023Deputy Majority Leader Ackerman issues statement on Hamas attacks 
6/22/2023Package of bills to combat childhood lead poisoning becomes law 
6/14/2023Deputy Whip Ackerman joins JJ McLaughlin students for Flag Day ceremony 
6/12/2023GA passes package of bills to combat childhood lead poisoning 
6/8/2023House and Senate pass package of bills to combat childhood lead poisoning 
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