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11/14/2024Rhode Island Lawmakers Join Housing Network of Rhode Island and PCF Development for a Construction Tour of 44 Central St and Surrounding Redevelopment Projects
8/13/2024Legislators join Gov. McKee to break ground on new DCYF female adolescent facility
6/26/2024Bill imposing probation or suspension on prescribers who overmedicate with death resulting becomes law
6/13/2024Assembly OKs bill imposing probation or suspension on prescribers who overmedicate with death resulting
2/8/2024House OKs Fellela bill imposing probation/suspension on prescribers who overmedicate with death resulting
6/22/2023New law removes state park fees for Rhode Island Gold Star Families
6/20/2023State budget includes Fellela proposal for family to be paid for services to developmentally disabled adults
6/14/2023General Assembly votes to remove state park fees for Rhode Island Gold Star Families
5/18/2023House OKs Fellela bill strengthening Ryan’s Law by adding probationary period for violators
5/13/2022House OKs Fellela bill changing name of Authority to Fine Healthcare Professionals Act to Ryan’s Law
4/6/2022State Representatives Fellela, Cardillo, Costantino applaud passage of school building referendum
9/24/2021Health bills signed into law
9/24/2021Health bills signed into law
8/18/2021Governor signs bill to provide public with information on mutual consent adoption registry
8/18/2021Governor signs bill to provide public with information on mutual consent adoption registry
7/8/2021Assembly passes bill targeting reckless prescription practices
6/28/2021General Assembly passes bill to provide public with information on mutual consent adoption registry
6/28/2021General Assembly passes bill to provide public with information on mutual consent adoption registry
6/25/2021House OKs Fellela bill targeting reckless prescription practices
6/25/2021House OKs Fellela bill targeting reckless prescription practices
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